Sony Arouje

a programmer's log

simdb a simple json db in GO

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Some days ago I decided to learn GO. GO is pretty easy to learn and could learn syntax and semantics in couple of hours. To completely learn a language I normally write a small app in that language. So in my free time, I rewrote the expense service created in nodejs to GO and is now live and we are using it. This whole exercise allow me to learn GO in detail.

For me GO looks to be a great simple language with static type checking. Seems like I will be using GO for my future RPi projects than nodejs. In RPi more often I use a simple json as a db to store, retrieve and update execution rules, Sensor details, etc. In nodejs I use tingodb, couldn’t find some thing very similar in GO, so decided to write one, and is called simdb, a simple json db.

Using simdb I can persist stuct or retrieve or update or delete them from the json db. The db file created by simdb is a simple json file. Let’s see some of the functions in simdb.


Create a new instance of db

driver, err:=db.New("customer")

Insert a new Customer to db

customer:=Customer { CustID:"CUST1", Name:"sarouje", Address: "address", Contact: Contact { Phone:"45533355", Email:"", }, } err=driver.Insert(customer) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) }

Get a Customer

var customerFirst Customer err=driver.Open(Customer{}).Where("custid","=","CUST1").First().AsEntity(&customerFirst) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) }

Update a customer

customerFirst.Name="Sony Arouje" err=driver.Update(customerFirst) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) }

Delete a customer

toDel:=Customer{ CustID:"CUST1", } err=driver.Delete(toDel) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) }

Update and Delete operation uses the ID field of the struct to perform it’s operation.


Let’s see the full code.

package main import ( "" "fmt" ) type Customer struct { CustID string `json:"custid"` Name string `json:"name"` Address string `json:"address"` Contact Contact } type Contact struct { Phone string `json:"phone"` Email string `json:"email"` } //ID any struct that needs to persist should implement this function defined //in Entity interface. func (c Customer) ID() (jsonField string, value interface{}) { value=c.CustID jsonField="custid" return } func main(){ fmt.Println("starting....") driver, err:=db.New("dbs") if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } customer:=Customer { CustID:"CUST1", Name:"sarouje", Address: "address", Contact: Contact { Phone:"45533355", Email:"", }, } //creates a new Customer file inside the directory passed as the //parameter to New(). If the Customer file already exist //then insert operation will add the customer data to the array err=driver.Insert(customer) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } //GET ALL Customer //opens the customer json file and filter all the customers with name sarouje. //AsEntity takes an address to Customer array and fills the result to it. //we can loop through the customers array and retireve the data. var customers []Customer err=driver.Open(Customer{}).Where("name","=","sarouje").Get().AsEntity(&customers) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } // fmt.Printf("%#v \n", customers) //GET ONE Customer //First() will return the first record from the results //AsEntity takes the address to Customer variable (not an array pointer) var customerFirst Customer err=driver.Open(Customer{}).Where("custid","=","CUST1").First().AsEntity(&customerFirst) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } //Update function uses the ID() to get the Id field/value to find the record and update the data. customerFirst.Name="Sony Arouje" err=driver.Update(customerFirst) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } driver.Open(Customer{}).Where("custid","=","CUST1").First().AsEntity(&customerFirst) fmt.Printf("%#v \n", customerFirst) // Delete toDel:=Customer{ CustID:"CUST1", } err=driver.Delete(toDel) if(err!=nil){ panic(err) } }


The query syntax in simdb is not really great, I need to find a better approach.


Source Code:

Written by Sony Arouje

August 6, 2018 at 2:30 pm

Posted in GO

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